
Non-Profits, Artists and Educators Needed to Participate as Website Clients for Summer & Fall 2017

sccc_vrt_2c_ko_ffIt’s getting closer to the Summer 2017 Quarter here at Seattle Central Community College. That means the WEB210 – Advanced Web Design class will be running again soon. Therefore, I am calling for non-profit organizations, artist and educators to participate in this class as a Client during either theĀ Summer 2017 or Fall 2017 Quarters.

The non-profit organizations, artist and educators that participate as a Client in the class will get the opportunity to have our Seattle Central students design and develop a website that the non-profit organizations, artist and educators will get to have for FREE!!* Yes, I said FREE*. Here are some examples of our student work.

If you are a non-profit organization, artist or educator that would like to participate in the class as a Client, please read our Terms & Conditions and fill out our Client Survey. If you know a non-profit organization, artist or educator that might want to participate as a Client, please pass this message along.

To Apply: Please fill out our Client Survey.

For more information, send an email to: Mike Sinkula <msinkula@premiumdw.com>.

*Subject to Terms & Conditions.

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.

1 Comment:

  1. Hi, I am an artist/sculptor just starting out.

    I have a domain with a nearly blank web page. And I have a lot of photos that can be added to that. I would really love some help with getting a proper website set up.


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