
CIS197 » Syllabus

Class: Work Experience
Time: Arranged
Credits: 55hrs./credit
Type of Course: Workforce Education Preparatory
Prerequisite: Instructor Permission

Course Description:

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is a “work for credit” program offered to students enrolled in college transfer or workforce education programs. Academic credit is earned for the learning that occurs on the job. Students may earn credit for their jobs (with permission), or paid/unpaid internships. A separate component of our program enables students to earn credit for their volunteer service in non-profit, community-based organizations. Co-op is a coordinated effort between the student, the employing organization, and the college.  More Information »

Course Procedures:

  1. Make an appointment with Karen Kato <Karen.Kato@seattlecolleges.edu> to enroll
  2. Fill out the appropriate forms and get appropriate signatures
  3. Bring your objectives by during my office hours to get my signature
  4. Present your Timesheet, Evaluation and Report to me during finals week for evaluation and grade. (Email is fine.)

Example Reports:

See Also:

Student Conduct:

It is the intention of SCCC to provide both a safe and nurturing environment for students, faculty and staff. To maintain and promote that environment, the college subscribes to a specific code of conduct, which is in accord with the Washington Administrative Code for all public institutions.

ADA Statement:

Students with documented disabilities requesting class accommodations, requiring special arrangements in case of building evacuation, or have emergency medical information the instructor should know about are asked to contact the disability support services office (DSS) in Rm. 1112. Once the disability is verified with DSS you will be given a letter of accommodation that should be to handed to your instructor.


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.
