
This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.

AIGA Portfolio Event Coming Up »

AIGA Reality Check (student portfolio review) will be hosted by Seattle Pacific University on Saturday, May 7th from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. This year we will be admitting 150 students to have their portfolios and resumes reviewed by working professionals. Ticket sales for the students begins April 12th at 3 pm and will be closed on Friday May 6th at 11:30 pm. Read More »

Scholarship Opportunity: MivaCon Seattle July 16th »

Miva (www.miva.com) is hosting a 1-day regional event at the Westin Hotel in Downtown Seattle next Thursday, July 16th. Read More »

Randy Both from Filter: Take the Next Step In Your Career »

Filter’s been around for 25 years helping people just like you find the perfect job in the creative and development world. We work with all of the major companies to help them find just the right talent at just the right time. Read More »

Join the I like When My Teacher… Committee »

Help bring students and teachers together. Read More »

WorkSource SSCC IT Employer Panel & Recruiting Event »

Space is Limited! Registration by Feb 11th is required! Register @ our event page: www.worksourcesscc.eventbrite.com

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LadyCoders: Rocket Propelled Careers (Seattle Central Community College) »

Do you need help breaking into the software and web development career you’ve been planning for? Learn from three senior web developers and software architects how to handle technical interviews, communicate better with (overwhelmingly male) hiring managers, cover gaps in your resume from caregiving by running your own open source software projects, and demonstrating that you’re a leader as well as a team member.

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Byte Club – Windows 8 Presentation »

The Byte Club has a speaker coming in from Microsoft this Friday to teach us about Windows 8, both the consumer's overview and tips and tools for developing apps for it. It's going to be a totally cool presentation and They'd love to get as many students there as possible.

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Get a Real Job Fair – Monday, Sept. 17th »

Re-Vision Labs is hosting our fourth Get a Real Job Fair, this Monday, Sept. 17th at Wine World on 45th.  We're trying to connect designers and developers to cool local startups, and we'd love to have Seattle Central students attend.

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The Creative Group on Portfolios »

The Creative Group on Portfolios: Tuesday, July 31st at 6pm the Creative Group will come to the lecture hall at SCCC in room 3212 to do a presentation on Portfolios and other tips on breaking into the web development contracting world.

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Byte Club’s Alumni Meet and Greet »

You’re invited to the Byte Club’s first ever alumni meet and greet! It will be an opportunity for casual, fun networking between current students and alumni of SCCC’s technology programs. We’ll be discussing new innovations in our fields and the current job market over pizza and beer.

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User-Centered Design Presentation by Marchex »

Maren Costa (former Amazon Principal Designer & current Director of User Experience at Marchex) and Allana Pritchard (former SCCC student & current Interaction Designer at Marchex) will come to speak about User-Centered Design--what it is, as well as how to actually put it to use to build winning products that delight users.

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IGNITE (Inspire Girls Now In Technology Evolution) Guest Speakers »

Brought to you by IGNITE (Inspire Girls Now In Technology Evolution) we have two guest speakers, Kathy Thompson - User Experience Designer at Microsoft, and Marta Smith - QA at Western Digital on Wednesday March 14th from 3:00pm -5:00pm.

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Guest Speaker Kay Kellison from Microsoft »

Kay Kelison from Microsoft, and Gates Foundation will visit Seattle Central's IT department Thursday, March 8th at 3:00PM to speak with students and answer these questions:

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*Rescheduled* The Creative Group Speaks at Seattle Central Community College »

Want scoop on the local design and digital-media job market? Curious about top skills and how to get noticed by hiring managers? Then come meet Chris Opsahl and Taryn O’Bra from TCG (The Creative Group)!

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Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack Comes to Seattle Central »

Tarah Wheeler Van Vlack Comes to Seattle Central on Wednesday - February, 8th from 3-5PM in room 3178

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