
WEB202 » 01) Pick Your Site

You need to find and choose a website project for your assignments in the WEB202 class. This site you pick will be your selected website for the rest of the assignments and will be finished as your final project. This should end up being a portfolio piece for you. All website projects must have the potential for product placement and online sales.

You may either:

  1. Find an existing website for a small or medium sized business that you will redesign.
  2. Create a fake website based on an existing small or medium sized business.


  • Pick your project website that you will be using to complete your assignments for this quarter.
  • Create a Client Staging Area for your project.
  • Leave the URL of your Client Staging Area as a comment on this page as your “Pick Your Site” assignment according to the class Schedule (Spring) or Schedule (Summer).


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.
