
WEB112 » 09) Bio Page Two

Setting Type for the Web

Setting Type for the Web by Mike Sinkula

Finally… it is time to see how the supporting cast of type will turn out as you are setting type for your Bio Page Two:


  • Take your logo that you transferred as a (.gif) or (.png) file and place it into your Bio Page Two document at the appropriate size.
  • Create your own NEW document from scratch! Do NOT just reuse my document! 
  • You must include: your a) logo, b) a main level heading, c) at least two sub level headings, d) at least two paragraphs, e) one ordered list,  f) one unordered list, g) a block quote and h) a text link.
  • Create all headlines using Web Font Linking with @font-face that matches the brand of your logo. Using the Google font API or any other service is not allowed.
  • Post your Bio Page Two assignment to your server and leave the URL as a comment on this page according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Winter).

View: Bio Page Two | Premium Design Works

Code: https://github.com/msinkula/bio-page-two


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.
