
HCDE532 » Syllabus

Class: Web Design Studio
Quarter: Winter 2017
Time: Wednesday, 6:00pm to 7:50pm in Dempsey Hall (DEM) Room 024
Mike Sinkula, sinkum@uw.edu
Assistant: Thomas Wu, thomaswu@uw.edu

Course Description:

This course gives an overview of the basic principles and practices of professional web site design & development. Through a series of step-by-step exercises, Students will build a personal website using industry standard techniques.

Course Objectives:

Students will gain hands on experience with building a website that incorporates:

  • a successful underlying structure and solid navigational foundation
  • readable website pages with appropriate content layout for desktop and mobile environments
  • a branded visual design using a color palette and imagery
  • HTML, CSS, PHP and JavaScript coding standards

Recommended Software:

Also available from the University Bookstore.

Students can get free access to Dreamweaver at the following three campus locations:

  1. Computing Commons
  2. OUGL Media Studio
  3. MGH Media Studio

Recommended Text:

Suggested Text:

Supplemental Text:

Grading Procedure:

Your final grade will be a culmination of your class Exercises:

  • Exercises will be graded on a 4 point system according to the sample UW Grading Guidelines
  • Exercises require critical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Exercises will be “due” according to the class schedule
  • Exercises will be weighted equally and averaged for a final grade
  • Exercises will be marked down 25% for every week they are late

Academic Accommodations:

To request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services: 448 Schmitz, 206-543-8924 (V/TTY).

Student Code of Conduct:

Good student conduct is important for maintaining a healthy course environment. Please familiarize yourself with the University of Washington’s Student Code of Conduct.

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.

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