
WEB112 » 06) Bio Page One

Alrighty, time to see how the supporting cast of type will turn out as you are setting type for the printed page:

The Rules of Setting Readable Type by Mike Sinkula

The Rules of Setting Readable Type by Mike Sinkula


  • From your logo specifications you will need to create headlines and body text in a page with biographical and contact information.
  • Create your own NEW document from scratch! Do NOT just reuse my document! 
  • You must include: your a) logo, b) a main level heading, c) at least two sub level headings, d) at least two paragraphs, e) one ordered list,  f) one unordered list, g) a block quote and h) a text link.
  • You must specify: a) column width, b) type size, c) leading, d) space before and e) space after.
  • This shall be done in Illustrator and printed out to be turned in as your Bio Page One assignment according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Winter).


See Also:


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.



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