
WEB210 » 03) Project Proposal

Now that you have completed your Client Interview, you must prepare a Project Proposal as your first “deliverable.”


  • Take a look at my Sample Proposal as this is the format that you will follow to complete this assignment.
  • This shall be typed out, posted on your Client Staging Area for Client approval as your Project Proposal assignment.

See Also:

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Kristin DelViscio says:

    Homeless Humans of Tacoma: John Gilmer, Grace Eder, Jaewong Jeong, Kristin DelViscio
    Project Proposal


  2. Nico Davis says:

    Seattle Hiroshima Club

    Contact: Linda Ishii
    Web Team members: Shelah Blando, Nico Davis, Frankie Crescioni, Andy Meyers, Milo Sherman


  3. Nick says:

    Dreams Unlimited Project Proposal


  4. Katie Anderson and Jeff Reynolds says:

    Please find on the client staging area: http://edison.seattlecentral.edu/~kander59/web210/clientstaging.html

  5. Lydia King says:

    Foundation for the Equestrian Arts
    Project Proposalhttps://docs.google.com/a/lking011.com/document/d/1OSrmynfCDCb0xD_wGdWdTEf2kJQLUDGzS8SpfO972CA/edit

  6. Trish Charlop says:

    Team 5 Mwangaza Foundation

    I’m posting it here but it is on the staging area as well.


  7. celine says:

    Team 2, Namaste Children’s Fund: http://ctangalin.com/itcweb210/

  8. Sage Klevjer says:

    Here is the Project Proposal and Schedule for Erica Bechard, Sherrie McRae and myself.


  9. Wendy says:

    Hi Mike! I came here to get a copy of your Sample Proposal and I get transferred to the home page of Premium DW. I can see the Lecture 03 page, but the links to the proposal itself don’t work…

    I’ll have to find it in my own files!

  10. Trevor says:

    Here’s a great article about do’s and don’ts for freelance contracts. Very helpful.



    • alex says:

      That was an excellent resource Trevor. Thanks for sharing. They even have links to useful contracts and templates.

  11. Mike Sinkula says:

    I had to remove the proposal from the web at the request of the Client. Use the examples that I handed out in WEB105.

  12. Kelly Mann says:

    Hey Mike –

    I am getting a 404 error on the link to your Sample Proposal from this page:

    SCCC> WEB210> 03) Project Proposal



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