
WEB112 » 08) Logotype Transfer

Premium Design Works Logo Transfer

Premium Design Works Logo Transfer

Let’s see how our logo transfers at various sizes when saved for the web:


  • 1) Render your logo at different sizes from 75px to 500px wide using my Logotype Transfer Template. Save as a .png-24 file to see how your logo will look at the different sizes.
  • 2) Render your logo from your final logo specification file as an .svg to see it as a scalable vector file. Turn off specification layers and size the artboard to the size of your logo.
  • Post these files to your server and leave the URLs as a comment on this page as your Logotype Transfer assignment according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Winter).

PNG: http://www.sccc.premiumdw.com/examples/logo-transfer.png
SVG: http://www.sccc.premiumdw.com/examples/logo-transfer.svg

Download: Logotype Transfer Template | Premium Design Works

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Andrew Wallin says:



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