
This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.

Survey on Four-Year Computer Programming Degree »

North Seattle Community College and the Seattle District is considering offering a four-year degree in Computer Programming.  In order to gauge potential interest in such a degree, we are surveying students who are currently enrolled in Information Technology or Computer Science courses at Seattle Central Community College.  I hope you will take a few minutes to complete a short survey to let us know your level of interest in a four-year Computer Programming Degree.

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Seeking Usability Study Participants »

If you are interested in participating in our usability study, please take 30 seconds to complete the following questionnaire. Thanks to the information you provide, we will be able to determine if you belong to the group of people we are including in our study. If so, we will invite you for one hour in-person usability study (about your travel experiences) on the UW Campus and thank for your time and effort with $10 Starbucks card.

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Dropbox Survey – A survey for users of Dropbox »

As students of the University of Washington's Human Centered Design & Engineering (HCDE) Program, Matina Fresenius and her HCDE518 group are gathering information about users of Dropbox.

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IT Programs Website Wants & Needs Survey »

Let your voice be heard and help out the team redesigning the IT Programs Department website this summer!

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User Survey for Seattle Central Community College Website Usage »

You are invited to take part in a user and usage survey for the Seattle Central Community College website redesign project. Please take a moment to complete our survey on the types of information that you look for and have problems finding on the Seattle Central Community College website.

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Fall Special Topics Survey »

Lisa has created a survey for students to choose the Special Topics classes for the Fall 2011 Quarter: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HWWWXK7

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User Centered Design Survey »

Amanda Parkhurst is looking for design students to take a short 10 question survey for a class she's taking on User Centered Design.  Survey results deadline is Saturday, the 31st. Read More »

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