
WEB160 » 05) Keywords, Page Titles & Meta Descriptions

05) Keywords, Page Titles  &  Meta Descriptions

05) Keywords, Page Titles & Meta Descriptions

Page Titles & Key Words will often be read out of context found through a search. Therefore, this text needs to make sense when read out of context. Ironically that means you may need to include more text that is descriptive enough to stand on its own in a sea of searches found through Google.

For all pages in your project, (re)write your:

  1. Key Words: How might your target audience search for products or information on your site? What key words will they use? For each page, create a list of at least 20 sample key words and phrases that will eventually be included into your page titles, meta descriptions and body copy text.
  2. Page Titles: (Re)write each page title in your Content Outline to aid in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to let the user know what is actually there. This will ensure the user will feel like they came to the right place.
  3. Meta Description: You will now (also) need to implement a key word dense meta description.


  • This shall be written within your Content Outline, so your team and Client can easily view and understand.
  • Post a link to this assignment in the comments section below AND Print all of this out and turn in as your Page Titles & Key Words assignment according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Summer).



This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Liz Stone says:

    This is late because I had to do redo my content outline. Thanks for the extra time.


  2. Kristin DelViscio says:

    Here’s my keywords/titles/metadescriptions assignment! (Altered to take my content outline re-do into consideration).


  3. Starr Harris says:

    I updated last weeks assignment as well.


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