
WEB210 » 10) Final Website & Hand-Off

Almost done. The last step is to post your work on the Client’s server space:


  • To complete this assignment, your protosite that you have been working on (on your development staging server) MUST be posted to your Client’s server in its own wordpress directory as a “Hand-Off” of your “Final Website.”
  • This “Final Website & Hand-Off” assignment must be completed according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Summer) for instructor review and grade.



This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Nectar says:

    Hi Mike!

    Wrote you a lengthy email a day ago in regards to the status of our CoSSar transition process. Not sure if it might have gone to your junk or not, I emailed you via gmail.

    If you didnt receive it please reply to this one!

  2. Maureen Crist says:

    Seattle Singles Yacht Club:
    The transition to the client’s server will happen as soon as we receive credentials for their server. Training meeting with client scheduled for 12/30. Here is our final project on the staging server.

  3. ellen tackett says:

    NSAE | Teammate Doreen Jones


    We should have a go live in 2-4 weeks depending on how much work gets done over the holidays. We have moved to their server and have permission from our Client to continue to work on this project.

    Woo Hoo!


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