
WEB160 » 03) Project Scope

By creating a Project Scope of what our target audience wants out of our website and what the client is hoping to gain by having a website, we will begin to understand what information our website should include and how we should present that information to the user.

By understanding what information to include and what tone to present it in, we will start to build a solid foundation from which to write our text.

Your Project Scope should answer the following questions:

  1. What type of written information is the potential user of this site looking for and/or wanting to gain by coming to this site?
  2. What type of written information is the client looking to convey to the user with this site and why?
  3. What is the perception, attitude and tone that the user will feel most comfortable with and why?
  4. What perception, attitude and tone does the client want to convey to the user and why?
  5. What might be some typical questions the potential user might ask about your site’s business or organization? (Write at least 20 questions.)
  6. What are the answers your client should provide to the users’ questions? (Answer questions you described above as this will eventually become “content.”)


  • Answer the questions above in a comprehensive paragraph style that you, your team and Client can easily view and understand.
  • Post a link to this assignment in the comments section below AND Print all of this out and turn in as your Project Scope assignment according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Summer).


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Liz Stone says:

    It doesn’t look like I submitted this electronically. I don’t know why.

  2. Kristin DelViscio says:

    Project Scope:


    Turned in a paper copy today! Thanks :)

  3. My apologies for being tardy on the comment! I successfully linked to my project scope and content outline on my staging area, but of course I forgot to comment.

    Here is a direct link to my project scope: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pJ6axIXc1OItLb2_ZhgzJaAnNE12NO1CoeDvz0ynGa0/edit?usp=sharing


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