
WEB202 » Content Requirements

When we talk about content the mind usually thinks we are talking about text. But let us not forget that images, audio, video, etc. are content as well. Together any combination of these formats may make up a single feature or functional requirement that we have laid out. How can you purchase an item without seeing what it looks like and reading a description, eh?

When writing out your content requirements, you should provide information including but not limited to:

  1. Product Number
  2. Category & Sub-Category
  3. Name
  4. Description
  5. Size
  6. Weight
  7. Image

By doing this we will get a good estimate of how they will fit together or not fit together when we start to build our pages.

For projects involving content that may either be existing or new, a content inventory is a necessary step in keeping your project organized and efficient.

Content Inventories can be put together using a simple spreadsheet application divided appropriately into categories based on your site needs:

Content Inventory Example

Content Inventory Example

See Also:

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.
