
WEB170 » Installing and Using a Pre-Developed WordPress Theme

There are many, many designers and developers all over the world designing and producing themes that you can download and install. You can find some of these themes in the WordPress Theme Directory.

Step One: Downloading a Pre-Developed Theme

Let’s go to the the WordPress Theme Directory and choose a random theme for absolutely no apparent reason what-so-ever except that we need a demo:

The WordPress Themes Directory

The WordPress Themes Directory

Okay… I think I totally just lied in the previous statement. I think I am going to have to choose and download the theme named “Besty” because I originally read that “Betsy” and that is too funny to pass up for me. From now on I am going to call it, “Betsy.”

Download: https://wordpress.org/themes/download/besty.1.3.8.zip

Once you download the theme, you should see it as a zip file. I’m on a Mac. So, it’s in my downloads folder.

Step Two: Installing a Pre-Developed Theme

Once you have downloaded a theme, you need to upload it. So, log-in to your WordPress Admin document.write(‘meow’);

Go to Appearance > Themes. You will be taken to the Appearance Themes SubPanel where you can choose which theme you would like to use or add anew one.

Click on the “Add New” button:

Add New Theme

Add New Theme

See Also: http://codex.wordpress.org/Appearance_Themes_SubPanel

From here, you can either choose one from the list or upload one that you have downloaded.

Let’s choose to “Upload Theme:”

Upload a New Theme

Upload a New Theme

From here, we can browse for our selected theme:

Browse for Selected Theme

Browse for Selected Theme



Select your zip file:

Select Your Zip File

Select Your Zip File

Install your Theme:

Install Your Theme

Install Your Theme

Activate Your Theme:

Activate Your Theme

Activate Your Theme

Let’s Preview or Visit Site:

Visit Site

Visit Site

We should now see our new them in action:

Betsy is Alive!

Betsy is Alive!

Let’s now go take a look at where the theme actually lives:

We Have a New Theme in our Themes Directory

We Have a New Theme in our Themes Directory

When we upload a new theme, it is stores in out themes directory. This is where we will also be storing any theme that we create.

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.

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