
HCDE532 » Setting Up Your Server Space

Let’s set up your Project Folders & your Web Server!

Step One: Activate Your Account

First, you will need to activate your account on the University of Washington’s Shared Web Hosting Server:

Activate Your Account on the University of Washington’s Web Server

Activate Your Account on the University of Washington’s Web Server

See Also: Manage Your Account | University of Washington

Once you have activated your account, you will need to figure out what your Server Name and STFP Address will be.

See Also: Website URL Reference | University of Washington

Step Two: Set Up Your Local Files

Second, set up your local files in a folder called “HCDE598” on your hard drive:

Create a Project Folder Structure

Create a Project Folder Structure

Step Three: Set Up Your Site Info in Dreamweaver

Let’s go ahead and set up a new server in Dreamweaver!

Start by opening your site manager by going to Sites > Manage Sites.

There, you will then need to create a new site:

Create a New Site in the Site Manager

Create a New Site in the Site Manager

Once you have created a new site, you will need to input your site’s information.

Chose your HTML folder in your HCDE532 folder as your local folder and save:

Choose Your Local HTML Folder From Your Hard Drive

Choose Your Local HTML Folder From Your Hard Drive

Set up a new remote server:

Create a New Remote Server

Create a New Remote Server

Define your remote login information and connect to your account:

Define Your Remote Login

Define Your Remote Login

See Also:

You should now see your local and remote files in Dreamweaver’s file manager:

View Your Local & Remote Files

View Your Local & Remote Files

See Also: Managing Your Websites with Dreamweaver | WEB200 | Premium Design Works

Congrats!! You now have a working web server. Next, let’s create and post our first web page.

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Sindu Narasimhan says:

    You can see my the site I built in 1/9/2015 class here http://students.washington.edu/sindu/

  2. Mike –

    Something came up have to head out of town so did the assignment in advance.

    Dropped in a template for now as you can see in the attached URL. Cheers!


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