
WEB210 » 05b) Set Up WordPress & GitHub

Local & Remote Development Environment w/ GitHub © Kate Heesun Lee

Local & Remote Development Environment w/ GitHub © Kate Heesun Lee

You will need to Install & Set-Up WordPress on your Development Staging Server as well as a “local” version to complete the remainder of the assignments for WEB210. You will also need to set up a GitHub repository to control versions of your code.


  1. Install WordPress to your Development Staging Server. You should opt to install into a “WordPress” folder.
  2. Create Admin User accounts for ALL team members.
  3. Here is where you will use the default theme to explore and install plugins to use according to your functional specifications from your “Project Proposal” assignment. (i.e. Contact Form 7)
  4. Each developer will also need to set up a local instance of WordPress to work on in the future that will push/commit code to a GitHub repository.
  5. Set up said GitHub repository to serve as your shared (version controlled) space for code to live. (At regular intervals, someone then goes to the live server and requests the latest version of the code, which will contain all the changes that individual developers have made locally.)
  6. Link to the 1) development staging server install and 2) your GitHub repository from your Client Staging Area according to the class Schedule (Fall) or Schedule (Summer) for instructor review and grade.


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Kristin DelViscio says:

    Here’s our development staging server.


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