
WEB204 » 02) Website Competitive Analysis Report

In general, Competitive Analysis is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. It is typically a strategy that marketing and management professionals may use to help improve their own business strategy according to their business goals.

In terms of Web Design & Development, a Competitive Analysis can provide an assessment of the User Experience strengths and weaknesses of current and potential web competitors. This analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic context to identify visual and interaction opportunities and best practices.


  • This Website Competitive Analysis Report shall be written as to describe the motivations for and results of conducting a Website Competitive Analysis.
  • Choose at least two websites that are within your chosen project’s industry to complete this Website Competitive Analysis study
  • Each Website Competitive Analysis Report shall contain but not be limited to: 1) Objectives for the analysis 2) Questions to be answered by analysis 3) Assessment Criteria of the analysis 4) Findings & Results of the analysis 5) Design Recommendations as a result of conducting the analysis
  • Post a link to this assignment in the comments section AND print all of this out and turn in as your Website Competitive Analysis Report assignment according to the class Schedule (Spring) or Schedule (Winter).


This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Dini says:

    Competitive Analysis Report for City of Shoreline by:
    Mario Gomez, Manilyn Cabrera, Bella Chen, Ethan Nissley and Dini Nadzaruddin


  2. Jeremiah Smith says:

    Competitive Analysis report from: Manitasha Arora, Jeremiah Smith, Ruth Mansoor,
    Joseph Wanderer


  3. Nico says:


    This is for the Venice Biennale group, who is:

    Tatiana Zaccara
    Kristin DelViscio
    Kayla Kang
    Dann Frey
    Nico Davis

    Thanks :)

  4. Marco Garcia says:

    Our Competitive Analysis Report
    Group 4 – Liz Stone, Trang Pham, Marco Garcia, Griffin Dotson
    PCC Natural Markets


  5. Tosia says:

    Competitive Analysis Report for the Northwest Film Forum website by Akash Tolangee, Starr Harris, Tiffany Wan, and Tosia Klincewicz


  6. Kristopher Chambers says:

    Here is the competitive analysis report by Anna Sabo, Katherine Shaw, Margaret Gomez, and Kristopher Chambers:

  7. Adam Kozie says:

    Calvin Calvo, Rosie Fisher-Sergent, Haben Haftu, Adam Kozie, Naomi Nosek


  8. Seth Melani says:

    Competitive Analysis Report Assignment for Brianna, Sam, Shunta, and Seth:


  9. Julie Anderson says:

    Here is the updated Competitive Analysis report from our team:



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