
WEB170 » 05) Create Your Theme from Your Template

Once you have created your content and menu systems, you are ready to start making your own WordPress theme. Here is where you will need to convert your template system that you completed for the Create Your Template Files assignment into a working WordPress theme.


  1. Create the 1) Index (index.php), 2) Main Styles (style.css), 3) Functions (functions.php) and 4) The Screenshot (screenshot.png) files from your template files.
  2. Upload these files to your themes folder within your WordPress install and activate this as your theme.
  3. Add the 1) bloginfo, 2) body_class, 3) wp_head, 4) wp_footer functions to your theme.
  4. Create The Loop within the content area of your theme that includes the 1) The Title, 2) The Permalink and 3) The Content functions.
  5. I will check your Protosite’s “View” and “Code” links from your Client Staging Area according to the class Schedule (Spring) to review and grade.

This portion of the Premium Design Works website is written by Mike Sinkula for the Web Design & Development students at Seattle Central College and the Human Centered Design & Engineering students at the University of Washington.


  1. Han Sue Yu says:

    Assignment 05)Create Your Theme from Your Template

  2. Kenneth Edwards says:

    Finally figured it out.


  3. John Gilmer says:

    A little slow getting this all working, but it’s up now.

  4. All steps followed and made sense but I must have missed something because it didn’t come together well.

  5. Kristin DelViscio says:

    Things are still a little wonky but the template is up!


    github: https://github.com/Kristinmahyout/web170/tree/templates

  6. Dwayne Linde says:

    I have uploaded my code to Github.

    However, I can’t get my custom theme to load. In fact, I can’t get any theme to load. I’ll try to see you during office hours. I just get the default Directory Listing.



  7. I have redirected to my other wordpress website. You can look at all my templates, themes, etc.


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