Merriweather Brand Strategy, Website Design & Development

Posted on December 8th, 2008 in Case Studies

Brand Strategy and Website Design and Development for Merriweather, whom for more than ten years has guided over 12,000 leaders at 37 global companies toward proven business results.

The Problem

Let’s face it… image is everything. Nowhere was this more apparent than the old website and brand of Merriweather:

Old Merriweather Website

Old Merriweather Website

The Solution

Since Merriweather’s target audience is the leaders of Fortune 500 companies, the new brand and website needed to speak directly to their needs. Therefore, Premium Design Works needed to create a couple of fundamental components right-up-front.

First, we redesigned the existing logo to be more simple and profound. We also used a color scheme that was stronger and more inviting to the corporate audience:

Merriweather Logo & Color Palette

Merriweather Logo & Color Palette

Second, we needed to create new imagery that would speak to the confidence and results that Merriweather achieves. When researching imagery, we came across a beautiful set of illustrations that then became our starting point to create a branded set of characters, backgrounds and graphics:

Merriweather Home Page Spotlight Graphic

Merriweather Home Page Spotlight Graphic

The Results

With the new logo, color palette and imagery in place, it was easy to carry out this new brand throughout the rest of the website and business collateral.

Mike is fun to work with, offers great solutions and is a great partner. Looking forward to working with him again!

— Fiona Robertson Remley

Merriweather now enjoys a much more professional and accurate representation of who they truly are and what they do. The Merriweather sales staff can now showcase the website during sales calls and feel confident when they pass along their business cards and marketing collateral to potential customers of the Merriweather brand.


Mike Sinkula has a B.A. in Communication Design from California State University, Chico, an M.S. in Human Centered Design & Engineering from the University of Washington and teaches web design at Seattle Central Community College and the University of Washington.

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