Pig n’ Whistle Seattle Website

Posted on September 26th, 2008 in Case Studies

Website production and development for the Pig n’ Whistle in the Greenwood neighborhood of Seattle.

The Problem

To put it mildly… The Pig n’ Whistle in Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood used to be a dump. But, In 2008 ownership changed hands. And with that, it’s image in the neighborhood needed a change as well.

The Solution

This is a prime example that your website is the face of your business.

The Pig n’ Whistle hired Montenegro Design to re-brand and re-image this once under appreciated Bar & Grill. They also hired Premium Design Works to produce and develop the new website.

Mike is a great collaborator. His effective decision making skills keeps the creative process simple and easy, resulting in a successful project.

— Sarina Montenegro, Montenegro Design

The new brand is classy and simple. The new website is easy to use. The restaurant now has customers.

Mike Sinkula has a B.A. in Communication Design from California State University, Chico, an M.S. in Human Centered Design & Engineering from the University of Washington and teaches web design at Seattle Central Community College and the University of Washington.

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